04 November 2012

Getting Fired from your Job - Should you Laugh or should you Cry?

How many of us have been fired from a job and how many of us are still wondering why it happened?
And were you upset? Did you cry? Did it seem like the end of the world to you or at least the end of your part of the world?
I recently went through this experience in a job that I had been so much looking forward to doing and that I had made many sacrifices for.
I was fired unexpectedly with no warning whatsoever.
Was I upset? I was devastated! Did I cry? I shed buckets!
As I had only worked for the company for 6 months, there was nothing I could legally do about my dismissal under UK labour regulations.

straight jacketThe first couple of days were tough, but the kindness and constructive advice of my daughter helped me through the worst of it and allowed me to talk about my situation in detail. At the end of the weekend, I had formulated a plan, revamped my CV and was in the process of setting up a Facebook page for my translation services https://www.facebook.com/ASBurkeTranslations.

After those initial couple of days, I was still close to tears thinking about the injustice of what had happened to me, but the tear-free periods were on the increase.
And then I sat back and reviewed my work situation of the last 6 months.

Had I been happy in my job or had I been trying to kid myself? - Admittedly, this job had challenged me and allowed me to use many of the skills I had accrued over the years. I did a good job too and the results are visible to all that visit the company's e-commerce website, which I translated, from English to German. In addition, I dealt with a lot of the backend work for the website, worked on SEO and wrote some articles for the News section on the website.
Yet, despite all this, I wasn't happy. The manageress of this small company who had hired me (there was no HR Department) didn't really like me. At first I merely had a gut feeling about this and then I felt more and more convinced of it. I even went out of my way to try and address any possible issues, but I now have to admit that she sadly lied to my face and went behind my back to prepare for my dismissal.
Yes, I have to say that she won't ever be my best buddy, but a month after I lost my job I'm nearly jumping for joy. I now realise that I would have never been happy in that company as the manageress in question is a control freak who would not tolerate anybody else's success or happiness. - Inferiority complex has sprung to mind, but don't tell her I said so.
So while I'm still looking for a new position or some freelance translation work, I have to admit that the tears have turned to laughter and that I'm glad I don't have to work for a company any longer where I felt like I had been fitted with a straight jacket.


Carol Sayer said...

There yr go Angela, you've turned a corner, in a happy place now in spite of not having the job, but the door is open for better things and more deserving of your talents. keep looking forward and think of your last job as an experience not worth giving your thoughts and time to.
All the best
your friend Carol x

Unknown said...

Many thanks for your kind comments, Carol:)

Brendan Burke said...

Glad to see that you're almost out of the tunnel.

Unknown said...

Funny thing! I hadn't looked at this in a long time and it came back to me today when I read about someone else losing their job and looking for work.
This whole episode is now 2 1/2 years ago and boy, am I happy I stuck to my guns. I worked hard and it wasn't easy, but I'm now self-employed and at the same time working full-time as a contractor for a company that appreciates my skills - and I appreciate them! The work I'm doing is right down my alley and I've acquired a lot of new skills since I started working for them.
So, to go back to the title of this blog post, I'm definitely laughing now! :)